Ian Klaus was formerly Ernest May Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government.  His history of trust, fraud and capitalism will be published in October.

Out of the Trenches

With the anniversary of the First World War upon us one new history focuses on the final days of the War. It’s a brilliantly enlightening approach to war and men’s lives writes Ian Klaus.

New books and a blockbuster are updating the Victorian detective, but says Ian Klaus its his fight against rapacious capitalists we should focus on.

Writer, diplomat, and now politician Rory Stewart has co-authored a new book arguing that for future interventions to work they must go local.

In a bold new book, philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah says that honor has propelled moral revolutions in the past (think of slavery) and is essential to ending atrocities like honor-killings. Ian Klaus applauds a book that raises the moral stakes.