There are a number of grand theories, and personal tales, for the origins of one of the cuisine’s most popular dishes—carbonara
Luca Cesariis a food historian based in Italy. He writes for variousmagazines,includingGambero Rosso,and writes the column"Indovina chi sviene a cent”inIlSole 24 Ore.As aninappetent child in 1970s Bologna, he was lovingly fed withtagliatelle alla bolognese and tortellini by his grandmother. Perhaps for this reason, Cesariis interested in the history of gastronomy, in particular the birth of the most famous andrepresentative dishes of the Italian tradition.THE DISCOVERY OF PASTA: A History in Ten Dishes is his first book.
There are a number of grand theories, and personal tales, for the origins of one of the cuisine’s most popular dishes—carbonara