The Daily Beast Code of Standards on Artificial Intelligence
The Daily Beast is committed to accurate, fair, independent, fast, and accountable journalism. We seek the truth and report it honestly, without fear or favor. We ground robust and provocative opinions in fact.
We have always used new technology to empower our journalists and to help our reporting and writing reach new heights. We do so responsibly and ethically. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology with far-reaching potential to enhance our journalism. Its initial potential is in summarization. That far-reaching potential requires specific Editorial Standards to ensure that its responsible and ethical use always meets our core Ethical Standards: Accuracy; Fairness; Independence; Speed; and Accountability.
AI Editorial Standards
Always Human Oversight
Any and all uses of third-party AI tools in the creation of Daily Beast journalism will always involve Daily Beast journalists and editors at every step from conception to completion and publication. This is in line with our core standard of Independence.
Any and all uses of AI in the creation of Daily Beast journalism will be specifically at the request of Daily Beast journalists who have assessed that its use will lead to higher-quality, more quickly delivered journalism. This is in line with our core ethical standards of Accuracy and Speed.
Any and all uses of AI in the creation of Daily Beast journalism will be disclosed to readers, audio listeners, or viewers. This is in line with our core ethical standard of Accountability.
Any and all uses of AI in the creation of Daily Beast journalism will be rigorously fact-checked before publication. This is in line with our core standards of Accuracy, Independence, and Fairness.
Any and all uses of AI in the creation of Daily Beast journalism will be deployed after rigorous training of the journalists who will commission, fact-check, and publish the journalism in line with this AI Code. This is in line with our core standard of Accountability.
We regularly review this Code to keep our standards and practices on the use of AI up to date.