The Trump administration announced Friday that the televangelist Paula White will head the White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative, the successor to the Faith-Based and Community Initiatives George W. Bush started in 2001.
But White is no ordinary televangelist. The longtime “God whisperer” to Trump, White is a fire-breathing theocrat who believes that Trump’s enemies are actual demons, and who says that, if you send her enough money, angels will watch over your household and make you rich.
Just last month, for example, White said that whenever she visits the White House, I’m walking around those parameters [sic] saying, “I lift this up and I dedicate every ounce of this place as holy ground and I dedicate it by the superior blood of Jesus.” And every door that God opens for me, I invoke the name of Jesus. I release angels right now and the Holy Spirit and walls of fire. I burn up every demonic altar in the name of Jesus and I call it to crumble and any assignment by any principality, power, darkness, and wickedness against this nation, against other nations, is coming down in the name of Jesus. Let it all fall down, let it crumble, by the fire of God, let it be burned right now. I erect the altar of God right now, I renounce every demonic spirit, I renounce every covenant made with Satan.