They seemed to be playing nice on the confirmation hearing’s third day, but from Kamala Harris to Lindsey Graham, they were looking for campaign attention—and dollars.
Eight justices will hear cases by conference call, including challenges to voting in key states, while the potential ninth waits in the wings. Welcome to 2020.
Health care activist Ady Barkan, stricken with ALS, urged America to expand health care access beyond where Obamacare had stopped.
In 2014, the North Carolina Republican called Obamacare a “cancer.” Six years later, he’s copying the law for his own bill.
Oklahoma voters just passed Medicaid expansion. And soon, Missouri may be next. Gee, you’d almost think they care more about health care than ideology.
Republicans never were able to pass a replacement bill. But they did try. Now, they’re not even doing that.
The Texas Republican is suddenly talking up the Affordable Care Act but he’s still backing judges who intend to help kill it.