Fashion designer Alice Temperley is full of praise for her most high-profile client's style, saying that Kate Middleton is the perfect modern-day woman.“The Duchess is an inspiration,” Alice told The Telegraph in an interview today.“She’s very graceful, gracious and she’s a brilliant ambassador for British fashion. She mixes up designer and high street; the perfect modern-day woman,” she said.Alice Temperley designs for actresses such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Keira Knightley and Kate's sister Pippa.
Alice, who has a clientele of celebrities, described the Middleton sisters as “lovely girls," (not such a big sccop there) and adds that creating Pippa’s emerald green backless number for her sister’s reception was “fun, easy, simple – she looked great … They know I will be discreet.”