The Florida governor pushed for a grand jury into supposed vaccine wrongdoing a year ago. Maybe it should look at his surgeon general instead.
Attorney General Ken Paxton said the pharma giant misled consumers about the efficacy of its vaccines before pivoting to “silencing truth-tellers.”
“You can't work here unless you’ve been fired by the establishment for believing in your patients first,” We The People’s co-owner Vic Mellor proudly told The Daily Beast.
Scientists hope that by the end of 2024 COVID may become more flu-like but before that fading immunity means more killer waves are on the way.
The appointment of an activist who thinks mosquitos can be turned into “flying syringes” may seem like a joke. But it shows how extreme local politics have become in this county.
A day after the ultra-conservative majority of the Ottawa County board voted to defund the health department, it filed paperwork to sack the department’s head.
Community members and public health officials in Ottawa County, Michigan, pleaded with the board of commissioners to reconsider. They defunded the Health Department anyway.