We all have a junk drawer in our home, but what about a junk closet? Mine is filled with tools and extra blankets and my massive collection of tote bags. Included in that collection are my plethora of Baggu bags. These nylon shopping totes may seem superfluous, but they make trips to the grocery store so much easier.
These bags are washable and pack down into a pouch the size of a wallet. You can tuck them into every bag you carry with you, into jacket pockets, or into your own grocery cart for optimal planning. At this point, I think I have 10 different Baggu bags stashed in various places — I’m like an eco-conscious squirrel. Instead of wasting plastic or touching unnecessary items, you can just put all of your items into the bag and head to the register. I highly recommend getting a set of produce bags too, which are made from breathable mesh. Having these on hand will help you cut down your reliance on those dinky plastic bags that you unroll like toilet paper (and you don’t have to touch something a bunch of other people have).
purifyou Premium Reusable Mesh Produce Bags
You can get them in dozens and dozens of colors and patterns, plus you can get them in three different sizes: Standard, Baby, and Big. They also come in sets of three so you can stock up with ease. But what I truly love about Baggu bags is the shape. The handles are crafted in a way that you can slip them over your arm or shoulder and the bag lays flat against your body. It’s a simple design feature that makes a world of difference when you’re lugging large amounts of groceries.
Standard Reusable Bag
Big Reusable Bag
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