If anyone can, Chris Christe can.
The famously corpulent and blunt-speaking governor of New Jersey has sworn he will keep Prince Harry under control during his visit to the state, and that there will be no repeat of the Las Vegas antics last year that saw naked photos of Harry plastered all over the world's newspapers.
Christie told a local radio station today that Harry's grandmother could be assured he would keep a firm grip on the ginger terror while he was visiting New Jersey.
We hope he's not planning a body slam.
"If you trust me, all will be fine … during his entire trip, I will be with Prince Harry," Christie assured one concerned listener who had rung into the show to ask if New Jersey was making any special plans for when Harry visits the state. Harry's itinerary includes touring sites hit by last year's Superstorm Sandy.
Speaking of his trip to Vegas, Christie said: "The prince has said he apologizes for his conduct back then. Lots of young people make mistakes. I certainly don't want to get all over the prince. I'm thrilled that he wants to come and see the destruction himself first hand and he wants to be helpful. And I'm going to be spending the entire day with Prince Harry."