It feels like each season, I need a new appliance. In the winter I need a humidifier so I don’t dry out. In the spring, I need an air purifier so I don’t sneeze all day long. In the summer, and to be perfectly honest, for most of the fall, I need a fan so I don’t get all sweaty and gross. This is what I thought the circle of life looked like: every two or three months, I found myself putting one appliance back in the closet, replacing it with another. This was all before I found one Dyson product that can do all three, and do each task better, too.
Dyson Pure Humidifier + Cool
The Dyson Pure Humidifier + Cool is the best fan, humidifier, and air purifier I’ve ever used, and the only product I’ve heard of that can do all three. Starting with its air purifying, the Dyson uses HEPA filters to trap 99.97% of all allergens and other particulates in the air. It also shows you on it’s tiny, button-sized screen a color-coded line graph of how pure the air around you is, and if it’s necessary to turn on the purifying feature. As for the fan, instead of rotating at the base like other Dysons, this one uses nozzles in the top section that can rotate at either 45 or 90 degrees. There is also a breeze setting, which simulates a real life breeze (remember those?), and enough power to feel like you’re in the gustiest of storms. But then, we get to the humidifier, which might be the best part. It can humidify a room for up to 36 hours and you can control the humidity up to a percentage point. It’s just a click of a button to clean—that’s it. If you’ve ever used a humidifier and had to clean it, you’ll know how incredible this is.
And so, the Dyson is quite simply the best 3-in-1 but also and perhaps more importantly, the best in class for each product it includes. It’s a fan that looks good, works well, and doesn’t move, an air purifier that is almost entirely effective, and a humidifier with precise control that you barely have to clean. All in all, it’s an appliance you can keep out all year long, and it’ll do any job you need to.
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