Angela Merkel
The motley crew protesting anti-COVID measures by the Merkel government will be familiar to Americans, but with some German twists, including exploitation by the far-right AfD.
How do you hold the fascists as bay? Germans are protesting—and coming up with some novel strategies.
An ‘informal summit’ in the ancient capital of Transylvania, of all places, tried to devise strategies to counter right-wing populists. But Trump encourages the worst of them.
‘It was the downfall of Germany,’ the presidential daughter-in-law declared.
Trump claimed immigrants spiked the murder rate in Germany. In fact, one suicidal airline pilot and one murderous nurse—native Germans—did that. This is the story of the nurse.
Trump never wanted to come to Paris in the first place. His performance amid world leaders has been one of truculent petulance.
‘Who knew John Kelly was so anti-continental breakfast?’