In a long Facebook post this week, Sarah Palin admitted that she had been “duped” by comedian Sacha Baron Cohen for his new Showtime series Who Is America?, called him “evil,” “exploitive” and “truly sick,” and challenged him to donate the proceeds to pro-veterans charities.
Today, she got her response.
As his new character Dr. Billy Wayne Ruddick Jr. PhD, founder of (as opposed to LIEbrary, get it?), Baron Cohen submitted this official letter, addressed to “Vice-President Palin.”
Dr. Ruddick explained that he did not claim to be a “War Vet,” as Palin said, but rather said he was “in the service—not military, but United Parcel.” He added that he “only fought for our country once—when I shot a Mexican who came onto my property.”
After praising Palin for “TELLING THE TRUTH about Obama’s birth certificate and the location of Russia,” he accused her of “bleedin’ FAKE NEWS.”
“You used to hunt the most dangerous animals in the country, like wolves and people on welfare,” he wrote. “So why hunt a fine citizen journalist like myself?” The letter ended with the words, “I DEMAND an APOLOGY.”
The letter also appears on Ruddick’s remarkably fleshed-out website that offers some more insight into this new character—one of Baron Cohen’s first truly American creations—who is waging a war against #FakeNews. The site features sections like “Obama is a Kenyan,” “Crooked Hillary” and “Hollywood Satanic Elite.”
“We must take control of our facts and our truth,” the home page reads. “We must stand together to fight the dark forces of clintons and muslims and Godless peoples to stand strong for our religious freedom and hold forth for what is right in our country. Now is the time for the silent majority to come together ansd seek out our truth.” Yes, that typo is on purpose.
It is not yet clear when the episode featuring Palin will air on Who Is America?, which premieres this Sunday night on Showtime. According to a source who spoke to People magazine, Palin walked out of the interview after Baron Cohen’s character asked her a “horrible” question about Chelsea Clinton.
The TruthBrary website has another section that innocently asks the question, “DID BARACK OBAMA CAMPAIGN THREATEN LIFE OF CHELSEA CLINTON TO KEEP PARENTS SILENT ON OBAMA’S INELIGIBILITY?”