The Hunt For Steve CohenBethany McLean and Bryan Burrough, Vanity Fair
Hedge fund Steve Cohen got off the hook when his firm, SAC, paid $616 million to the SEC to settle insider trading charges. But was that the beginning of the end for the world’s greatest trader?
Robert Diamond’s Next LifeAndrew Ross Sorkin, New York Times Magazine
When Robert Diamond was CEO of Barclays, he didn’t know how the LIBOR submission process worked. One $450 million settlement later, he was out of his job at the behest of the governor of the Bank of England. What’s he doing next? Maybe starting another banking company. But for now, he’s going to lots of Brooklyn Nets games.
It’s All About the Bitcoin, BabyJessica Roy, New York Observer
“I had to get money from my mom to start this company. No investor would give me anything. And now they all want in.”
How the Bank of Japan Staged Its Big BangLeika Kihara, Reuters
How did Haruhiko Kuroda convince the Bank of Japan to go along with the most aggressive monetary policy actions since the financial crisis? With his “nerdy charisma” and the influence of BOJ officials itching for more.
Anshu Jain Brings Deutsche Bank to World as Client's ManNicholas Comfort, Bloomberg Markets
Germans have long been suspicious of high finance, so can an Indian-born London banker keep Germany’s biggest bank safe, sound, and profitable?