The Price of a Stolen ChildhoodEmily Bazelon, The New York Times Magazine
Victims of child pornography can now collect damages directly from those convicted of possessing their images. But how much can restitution help them repair their lives?The ForceJill Lepore, The New Yorker
How much military is enough?Living the American Dream in the West BankKiera Feldman, Vice
Hanging out with Israel’s illegal homesteaders.Siri RisingBianca Bosker, The Huffington Post
The inside story of Siri’s origins, and why she could soon overshadow the iPhone.The Red and the BlackSeth Ackerman, Jacobin
The economics of a feasible socialism. Hands Off Our GunsDavid Mamet, Newsweek
The individual is not only best qualified to provide his own personal defense, he is the only one qualified to do so.
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