On Tuesday night, The Daily Show host Trevor Noah dug into the shocking revelation from President Trump’s ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, who now says he does recall a quid pro quo between the administration and Ukraine.
“Last month, Sondland testified to Congress that he had no knowledge of a quid pro quo,” Noah explained. “But now, he’s changing his tune.”
“I now recall speaking individually with Mr. Yermak, where I said that resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks,” Sondland said.
“Wow, so this guy is just revising the testimony he gave under oath?!” the host asked. “We can’t even edit our tweets but this guy’s walking into Congress just like, ‘Oh, you said quid pro quo, I thought you said squid pro quo. Quid makes so much more sense, yeah, we totally did one of those.”
But Noah said that he actually “feels bad” for Sondland because he was the first official to testify about this issue. “And he probably thought everyone else was going to have his back and also say there was no quid pro quo. But then instead, everyone snitched on him and now he’s like, ‘I’m also changing my story.’”
The host compared it to a group of teenagers all deciding to tell their parents there was no liquor at a party. “And then you tell your parents the story and everyone else is like, ‘Yeah, Trevor brought the liquor.’”
“Uhhh, I would like to revise my earlier testimony!” he added.