2020 Democrats Laugh After Andrew Yang Proposes a ‘Freedom Dividend’
During his opening statement at Thursday night’s Democratic presidential primary debate, entrepreneur Andrew Yang drew laughter from his fellow candidates after he announced his campaign would give a “freedom dividend” of $1,000 a month to ten American families.
“If you believe that you can solve your own problems better than any politician, go to yang2020.com and tell us how $1,000 a month will help you do just that,” Yang exclaimed to loud cheers from the audience. “This is how we will get our country working for us again, the American people.”
With some boisterous supporters still applauding after Yang wrapped up his statement, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) loudly laughed while South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg chuckled and waited a few moments to compose himself before proceeding with his opening remarks.