Al Jazeera Pulls Video Stating Holocaust Was ‘Different From How the Jews Tell It’
Al Jazeera has taken down a video posted on its AJ+ Arabic channel claiming Israel is the Holocaust’s “greatest beneficiary” and arguing that Jews exaggerated their suffering during the Holocaust. Al Jazeera has since said it “completely disown(s)” the video and has suspended the two journalists responsible. The seven minute-long video claimed that Jews exploit the Holocaust and that though it did occur, “it’s different from how the Jews tell it.” According to the video’s presenter, Muna Hawwa, Europe’s Jews were able to emphasize their suffering because they were wealthy and controlled media companies. The video was accompanied by a caption stating: “The gas chambers killed millions of Jews… So the story says. How true is the #Holocaust and how did the Zionists benefit from it?” It was posted on AJ+ Arabic, a youth-focused arm of Qatar’s official Al Jazeera Media Network, and gained over 1 million views before it was removed.