Alex Jones has defiantly claimed he was wronged after being ordered on Wednesday to pay $965 million for pushing lies that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax and claiming the parents of the deceased children were paid actors hired to promote stricter gun laws.
In an interview hours after the judgment, Jones appeared with Eric Bolling on his Newsmax show, The Balance, claiming the case was simply a “show trial,” and “wasn’t a real trial.”
“I knew it was coming, I actually predicted it would be a billion-dollar verdict or more,” Jones said of his first reaction. “For five weeks they had people up there cry about their kids that died, I’m very sad about it, I didn’t kill their kids. O.J. Simpson was found civilly guilty of murdering two people, he paid $33.5 million. So I didn’t murder anybody, I just questioned a public event. I didn’t send people to harass anybody, I hardly ever even talked about it, it wasn’t an issue for the first five, six years.”
Jones blamed Hillary Clinton for “running against Trump on Sandy Hook” claiming “a few little short clips she edited of me” had the Democrats believing “I was the Sandy Hook man.”
Jones said he was “very, very, sure, like 99 per cent,” that the judgment was “such a joke, such a fiasco, such a kangaroo court” that both cases will be overturned. The other case he is referring to is an Aug. 5 judgement by a Texas jury ordering Jones pay more than $45 million to the parents of one of the victims of the 2012 school shooting.
“These will be overturned... at the Supreme Courts of Texas and Connecticut, if not the Supreme Court of the United States,” he said.
Jones said the judgement “didn’t matter” any way because “I don’t have $10 million in cash, it’s a total joke. If they think they’re going to get $900-plus million they’re mistaken,” he said. “Guess what, you can’t get blood out of a stone,” he said, calling the decision “propaganda.”
He said “good luck” to those who want to personally come after his money and claimed InfoWars “has only begun to fight.”
When asked if he was sorry, he said, “the truth is, I said I’m sorry thousands of times.” However, he said, “for your audience, Eric, I will say I’m sorry for what I actually did and I’m sorry for walking into the trap of what the media misrepresented.”
He said he didn’t blame the parents, who have “transferred their anger over Adam Lanza—they’re super-emotional, I feel sorry for them—to me.”
Like many people hearing these excuses, however, even Bolling wasn’t buying it. “I don’t think this is brought from the outside, you were asking for it.”