ODU Professor Whose Research on ‘Minor-Attracted People’ Provoked Uproar Steps Down
Allyn Walker, the Old Dominion University (ODU) professor who sought to challenge “assumptions” around “minor-attracted people,” has agreed to step down. Walker published a book in June which said it challenged “widespread assumptions that persons who are preferentially attracted to minors—often referred to as ‘pedophiles’—are necessarily also predators and sex offenders.” Walker’s views provoked outrage from protestors who claimed their language destigmatized sex offenders. Walker said in a statement: “That research was mischaracterized by some in the media and online, partly on the basis of my trans identity… As a result, multiple threats were made against me and the campus community generally.” A petition started by an ODU student against Walker attracted 14,000 signatures. However a letter signed by more than 60 professors in sexual abuse prevention, mental health, human sexuality and criminology supported Walker, saying their research was part of the “daunting goal” of “creating a world without child sexual abuse” which required “a complete understanding of the issue.”