Apple’s Head of Global Security Charged With Bribery for Allegedly Trading iPads for Concealed Carry Permits
Apple’s head of global security allegedly attempted to secure concealed weapons licenses from California authorities by agreeing to give $70,000 worth of iPads to a sheriff’s office. Thomas Moyer, who’s held his post since 2013, had applied legally for the permits, but the Santa Clara Sheriff’s Office refused to approve his application unless he donated the pricey tech gear, according to an indictment obtained by The Washington Post. Along with Moyer, Santa Clara Undersheriff Rick Sung and Capt. James Jensen were also indicted for allegedly demanding the bribes and using concealed carry permits, which are difficult to obtain in Santa Clara, “like commodities,” according to Jeff Rosen, the Santa Clara district attorney. “Bribe seekers should be reported to the District Attorney’s Office, not rewarded with compliance,” Rosen said. Apple did not comment on the charges to the Post.