Arizona Sheriff Will Refer Incidents of Staffers Shoving Migrant Children at Detention Facilities to Prosecutors
The Maricopa County Sheriff’s office in Arizona announced Sunday that it will refer cases of staff members at the Youngtown Hacienda Del Sol shelter shoving and dragging detained migrant children to prosecutors, according to a report from the Arizona Republic. The announcement comes just days after the Republic published shocking September video of staffers pushing three children inside the facility. The sheriff’s office initially declined to refer the cases to prosecutors—and did not explain why it had reconsidered its decision. The Republic notes that the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement suspended operations at the shelter a few weeks after the incidents occurred, and that the facility was later closed as part of a settlement with state health officials. The company that owns the shelter, Southwest Key, has pledged to re-train staff and work with a consultant to improve hiring practices.