A founding member of the leadership team of Barack Obama’s successful U.S. Senate race, Joe McLean managed Gov. L. Douglas Wilder’s historic election in Virginia, along with numerous statewide and congressional campaigns. He has achieved victories for corporate clients, rescuing some from the brink of extinction.

McLean, who is now senior partner at McLeanClark, served as president and CFO of a commercial construction company in Nashville, and is the fifth generation to raise cotton on the family farm in Quincy, Tennessee. He served as a legislative assistant in the Tennessee delegation and was a campaign-finance analyst with the clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives.

McLean lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife, Kiki McLean, and their two children.


What would it do to America if the sitting president were convicted of fraud or some other crime? And—can a sitting president go to jail?

The senator claims he “didn’t try to shut down the government,” despite strategizing to do so. Having satisfied the lunatic right, he’s trying to move back to the middle for 2016.

It’ll Work

The Democrats are freaking out about the Obamacare rollout, and Republicans are loving it. But with public opinion on the law’s side, it’s the GOP that should be afraid.

End Times

Tea Party leaders view themselves as modern prophets of the end of times, ratcheting up their rhetoric to prove that Obama is evil and God is on their side.


Why do Tea Partiers and Americans seem so blasé about a default? Because Democrats keep crying wolf about other supposed catastrophes. Too bad, since this time it’s real. By Joe McLean.

Speaker Hamlet

Boehner can keep the insanity going, or step up and bring a budget resolution to the floor, saving the country from economic collapse. It’s not rocket science, writes Joe McLean.


With Tea Party Republicans pining for an imagined American past, a do-nothing Congress may be the best we can hope for, writes Joe McLean.

Reality Check

The rejection of low-cost private insurance could prove a blessing in disguise, moving us closer to a single=payer system, writes Joe McLean.

Vote Buying

Think the rich shouldn’t be allowed to buy elections? You’ve got it all wrong. Joe McLean on why the Supreme Court would be smart to lift limits on direct contributions to candidates.