Freelance journalist Lauren Comiteau has covered the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and other stories from the Netherlands for Time magazine, CBS Radio, CBC, VOA, The Chicago Tribune and others since 1996. Her most recent gig was as deputy editor of Time Out Amsterdam, where she wrote the family issues column "Domestic Blitz."

Even as Radovan Karadzic stands trial on charges of genocide in Bosnia, some Muslim survivors have little hope of laying their nightmares to rest. Lauren Comiteau talks to one man about the fruitless search for closure.

Radovan Karadzic, on trial for war crimes in The Hague, finally showed up in court Tuesday—to argue the real crime is how little time he’s had to prepare.

Radovan Karadzic skipped the opening day of his war-crimes trial in the Hague, infuriating survivors of the Bosnian conflict who had traveled to court to bear witness. Lauren Comiteau reports from court.