Michael Smerconish is a nationally syndicated radio host. His latest book, Instinct: The Man Who Stopped the 20th Hijacker, was published last month.

He blocked a terrorist from boarding United Flight 93, saving the U.S. Capitol from attack. So why has Jose Melendez-Perez been sidelined over a bureaucratic infraction?

GOP pollster Frank Luntz once urged George Bush to talk about scientists’ uncertainty about climate change. He talks with Michael Smerconish about how he may be warming to a new view.

It’s bad enough that the TSA leaked a manual revealing airport screening methods and exposing CIA employees. But the real damage is realizing that the feds have been giving the Saudis a free pass.

How is Dede Scozzafava holding up after a conservative insurgent drove her from the New York House race? Michael Smerconish asks the former Republican candidate about the future of her party.

The former president tells The Daily Beast's Michael Smerconish that he supports an Afghan surge, is ready to make deals to defeat the Taliban—and won’t rule out another run for political office.

Bill Clinton never told Ken Starr about his secret Taylor Branch tapes, a source tells Michael Smerconish. Was that legal? Ex-prosecutors will dig through old records to figure that out.