It is perfectly natural to be unsettled, puzzled, or even frightened by evidence that the dead are trying to contact us. But why are we so embarrassed?
The language Alex Malarkey used to describe his trip to heaven sounded suspect, but when he took it all back, he truly sounded like a tool of Evangelicals.
Misplaced Blame
Karen Armstrong’s Fields of Blood eviscerates the notion that religion is behind most of the world’s violence and oppression.
Moving On Up
You surely think that Eben Alexander is either a fraud or sent from Heaven, but there’s little middle ground. Ironically, it's Alexander who says it’s middle ground we badly need.
Not Debunked
The father who appears before you in a dream, hours before you find out he’s died. The accident you knew would happen. These tales are real—and collected in Opening Heaven’s Door. Read an excerpt.