Scouting Report: Not only is it this bug repelling device ingenious, it’s also the most beautiful one I’ve ever come across.
The warmer months means one thing for me: bug bites. I have tried just about every little gadget and every single device and spray to keep me bite free. I’ve zeroed in on the best bug spray and even found a soothing CBD ointment for when a bug does get me and I just can’t stop scratching. Recently, I came across a new bug repelling device, and I was excited to give it a try: anything to keep those pesky bugs away.
Citronella Hanging Coil
The first thing I noticed about this Citronella Hanging Coil was this—it’s beautiful. I mean, who would’ve thought that a device used to keep mosquitoes away could also be a design piece? The coil is made with citronella, so in many ways, it’s like a lot of those bug-repelling candles, only better looking. It’s easy to use: all you do is hang it up somewhere, and light one end, kind of like incense. The coil will slowly burn, releasing a steady stream of citronella that smells like a lovely lemon scent to me (but awful to those bugs) and creates an invisible shield around me. Unlike the candles, what’s so ingenious about it is that it can be hung at different heights depending on the zone you’re sitting in. This allows you to create an even blanket of citronella smoke around you and your friends, instead of just everyone just huddling around one tiny candle in the center of the table.
To say it worked wonders would be an understatement. The other weekend, we had some friends over in the backyard and we lit the coil. Not only did they comment on how cool looking the coil was, but it also managed to keep all of the mosquitoes away for the entire night. When we were done, we brought it back inside (you don’t want it to get wet), and stored it away for the next time we plan on hanging out in the backyard. Frankly, I can’t wait to use it again.
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