Caitlyn Jenner Has Been Awfully Quiet Since Launching Guv Campaign a Week Ago
It’s been a week since Caitlyn Jenner launched her campaign for the gubernatorial recall race in California, yet it sure doesn’t seem like it. Jenner’s campaign was first announced by Axios, a national news outlet, in an article that went live when most of California was asleep. Since then, Politico reports, Jenner hasn’t held any press conferences, appeared on talk-shows, or put any details of her campaign platform on her website. “If she doesn’t come out and say something within the next several days, I think everyone moves on and says this is just some type of crank candidacy,” said Rob Stutzman, who advised former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Jenner is scheduled for an interview with Sean Hannity to air May 5, almost two weeks after her campaign launch. Even Gov. Gavin Newsom seems to be doing better off of Jenner’s campaign than Jenner. He fundraised $300,000 in the 36 hours after her announcement, his campaign says.