Chris Wallace: ‘Increasingly Untenable’ for Trump to Fight Biden’s Victory
Moments after multiple news outlets, including Fox News, called the presidential election for former Vice President Joe Biden, Fox News anchor Chris Wallace explained why President Donald Trump’s unwillingness to accept the results would inevitably be unsustainable.
“Trump has every right to pursue legal challenges, other failing candidates have in the past,” he said. “So far we didn’t see anything to rise to the level of serious fraud and certainly not a serious fraud that would change the results of elections.”
Wallace went on to say that Trump’s “very heightened rhetoric” around the election results and his belief that Democrats stole the election will “become increasingly untenable,” especially in the wake of prominent Republicans already planning post-Trump legislation. “I think you’re going to see more and more of that from Republican leaders in the Senate and the House and around the country,” he added.
The veteran anchor concluded by noting that presidents not conceding to their victorious opponents is “abnormal” and it “certainly cuts into the transfer of power that most Americans expect every year.”