Scouting Report: Frankly Apparel’s Eva Bodysuit (and all other designs) give me the freedom to go without a bra, anywhere. It’s all about properly-made garments and hidden support.
The last year and a half has forced a lot of us to reckon with what actually makes us happy. For some, it was quitting jobs and moving out of cities, for others it was body acceptance and inclusion. One of the key points of the latter was a mass push for comfort in clothing, and that includes the gender-specific article that feels especially repressive at this point: bras. We’re not burning like our mothers did, but we’re outright ignoring them, and Frankly Apparel is all about it.
Eva Bodysuit
For those that are endowed with smaller bust sizes, going braless was always an option, depending on how comfortable you were with freeing the nip. But for those that had bigger cup and band sizes not suitable for freewheelin’, it’s a struggle to balance the idea of being comfortable in your clothing, while keeping yourself supported. Frankly Apparel has designed all of the pieces, from the bodysuit that fit me like a glove, to their dresses, with that in mind. Each item is designed with “innovative sewing techniques” that “lightly and naturally lift, secure, and shape your breasts, and even cover nipples without any extra bulky padding.” They’re designed to be worn sans-bra, whether you’re an A cup or an F cup. Because everyone is unique, you can choose your size based on band or cup, and you can even mix and match top and bottom sizing, making them feel almost custom-made. The support feels like I’m wearing a bra (without underwire digging or straps falling) and there’s full coverage, so even if it’s a bit chilly, no one is the wiser to your decision to go without one.
I can’t wait to see what other pieces Frankly Apparel comes up with. There’s so much opportunity to better serve people with breasts, to find clothing that not only feels good to wear but looks good too. Finally, a company that understands that clothing should be made to fit our bodies, and not the other way around.
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