Stephen Colbert was not about to let President Trump get away with repeatedly saying the word “oranges” instead of “origins.”
The president’s comments came during an Oval Office press availability on Tuesday during which he completely reversed his position on the release of the full Mueller report. Last week, the president said it “wouldn’t bother” him at all to make the report public, but now he said it would be “ridiculous” to “start this process all over again.”
Imitating Trump, the Late Show host said, “No obstruction, it says so right in the document. And if you try to see the document, I’m going to obstruct you.”
But it was Trump’s “small slip of the brain” that came next that really caught Colbert’s attention.
“I hope they now go and take a look at the oranges, the oranges of the, uh, investigation," Trump told reporters. "The beginnings, of that investigation.”
“Yes, sir!” Colbert replied. “We must take a look at the oranges of the investigation. I say it is high clementine we do so. The American people will not stangerine for it any longer. We can vitamin C right through the lies. We Tropi-can handle the juice.”
Then the host told his audience a knock-knock joke that ended with, “Orange you ashamed we have a president who can’t pronounce origins?”