Twitter’s new owner Elon Musk said Wednesday he had nixed adding a second verified check for public figures and media outlets, just hours after implementing the new system. “I just killed it,” he tweeted to a journalist who had noted the swift disappearance of the second check mark. “Blue check will be the great leveler.” Earlier Wednesday, several notable figures received a second check mark beneath the tick next to their name, saying “Official.” After ditching the new idea, Musk added, “Please note that Twitter will do lots of dumb things in coming months. We will keep what works & change what doesn’t.” Under Musk’s leadership, Twitter has decided seemingly on the fly to implement a polarizing pay-to-play method for verification. Users who pay $7.99 for Twitter Blue will receive verified check marks, although it’s not yet clear when this will officially become practice (despite a Twitter update advertising it Saturday).
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