Far-right activist Laura Loomer handcuffed herself to the door of Twitter’s New York City headquarters Thursday and reportedly invoked the Holocaust to claim the company was “evil” for banning her from the platform last week, NBC News reports. Twitter reportedly told police during the protest that it wouldn’t press charges against Loomer and that she could stay “chained to the door as long as she wants.” She was reportedly seen wearing a yellow Star of David on her chest and holding up a sign claiming she was “banned” for being a “nosey Jew.” “I am not going to stand by as people like Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg [try to] silence the voices of millions of conservatives,” Loomer was quoted as saying. She also reportedly shouted to employees working inside the building, claiming they work for an “evil” company. She was cut out of the handcuffs and ended her protest after about two hours. Loomer was banned from the platform last week after reportedly calling Minnesota Rep.-elect Ilhan Omar—one of the first Muslim women elected to Congress—“anti Jewish” and claiming she was pro-Sharia law.
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