Federal Judge Slaps Restraining Order on Arizona’s Drop Box Vigilantes
U.S. District Judge Michael Liburdi approved a restraining order on Tuesday against Clean Elections USA, a group who has been accused of voter intimidation by surveilling and recording voters in Arizona as they cast their ballots in drop boxes. Liburdi’s order bars the group from being within 250 feet of the boxes while “openly” carrying weapons or wearing body armor “visibly.” The group is also banned from taking photos, recording, screaming at, or trailing the heels of voters within 75 feet of drop boxes. According to NBC News, Liburdi also ordered founder Melody Jennings to post a message to her followers on Truth Social, Donald Trump’s social media site, with something similar to, “It is not always illegal to deposit multiple ballots in a ballot drop box. It is legal to deposit the ballot of a family member, household member, or person for whom you are the caregiver.”