Feds Probe New York’s Mount Vernon Police Department Over Excessive Force Claims
The U.S. Department of Justice has opened an investigation into New York state’s Mount Vernon Police Department following claims that officers were targeting Black people and using unnecessary force. “The investigation will assess whether MVPD engages in a pattern or practice of discriminatory policing,” the feds said in a press release. “The investigation will also assess MVPD’s use of force, strip and body cavity searches, and how it handles evidence.” The Justice Department said there have been reports of cops in the department, which has 184 officers, using “abusive tactics” on people in custody and performing searches “without a sufficient legal basis.” “Police officers have tough jobs, and so many do their work honorably, lawfully, and with distinction, respecting the rights of the citizens they have sworn to protect. But when officers break the law, they violate their oath and undermine a community’s trust,” U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said in the release.