Florida Lawmaker Makes Creepy Biden Threat After School Shooting
Florida state Rep. Randy Fine seemed to threaten President Joe Biden if he pursues gun control legislation. “I have news for the embarrassment that claims to be our President—try to take our guns and you’ll learn why the Second Amendment was written in the first place,” the Republican tweeted Wednesday. The post received a flood of responses from appalled social-media users, with some tagging the feds. But Fine only doubled down hours later. “The reaction exposes the lie of the left that they just want ‘common sense gun control.’ They want one thing and one thing only—gun confiscation and an end to the 2A—and the notion that Americans will exercise their right to fight them makes them go crazy. Boo hoo,” he tweeted. The bizarre post comes just one day after a teen gunman opened fire at a Texas elementary school, killing 19 students and two teachers.
When asked by reporters if his post was meant as a threat, Fine said, “Of course not,” insisting he was just “disgusted” by Biden’s “politicizing” and wanted to teach him a lesson about “overarching government.” “When they make statements like we’re going to come for your guns that’s going to upset people,” he said.