Florida Official Rebuked After Saying Rashida Tlaib Might ‘Blow Up’ Capitol Hill
A Florida city commissioner has been publicly reprimanded over a Facebook comment speculating that Rep. Rashida Tlaib—who made history this month when she became one of the first female Muslim members of Congress—might “blow up” the U.S. Capitol. Commissioner Anabelle Lima-Taub faced calls to resign after she described Tlaib as a “Hamas loving anti-Semite” who “is a danger and would not put it past her to become a martyr and blow up Capitol Hill.” The commissioner made her comment after Tlaib said “impeach that motherfucker” about Donald Trump. At a Wednesday night meeting, Lima-Taub said her comments were not anti-Muslim and added: “I found it unacceptable that a newly elected congresswoman would be so disrespectful to a president who was freely elected.” But the city commission voted to publicly reprimand her for the comments.