Former NFL Star Richard Sherman Arrested on Suspicion of DUI
Former Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman was arrested on Saturday on suspicion of driving under the influence, according to King County Jail court records. Sherman was stopped by Washington State Patrol troopers around 2 a.m. on Saturday morning for speeding nearly 20 mph over the posted limit on a freeway near Renton, the patrol report reveals. He reportedly told the troopers he’d had a couple of margaritas. They allegedly found probable evidence of a DUI when Sherman agreed to some voluntary tests, although he refused a breathalyzer. He was booked into the King County Jail around 5 a.m. Saturday morning with a hearing set for Monday. This is not the first time the former NFL player has been booked on DUI charges; in 2021, he was arrested for a DUI and other driving-related offenses. Sherman reached a plea deal in that case which required him to attend a DUI victims panel and submit to court supervision for 2 years. It is not clear if charges against Sherman will be filed for this latest arrest.