Hannity Waves Away IG Report Conclusions, Declares Victory for Trump
Fox News host Sean Hannity largely ignored the conclusions of the Justice Department’s top watchdog, claiming victory despite Inspector General Michael Horowitz finding Monday that there was no political bias and the FBI had sufficient evidence to launch the Russia probe into Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign.
“Well, everything we said, everything we reported, everything we told you was dead-on center accurate,” Hannity said Monday on his radio show. “And the mob and the media has missed what is the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in the history of the country.
“This report—putting aside whatever differences and—for the attorney general and for John Durham to come out like they have...it is all there in black and white,” the pro-Trump media star added. “It’s all there. Put the conclusion differences aside for a second here.”
Attorney General William Barr slammed the IG report and defended Trump in a statement on Monday, insisting the FBI launched “an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” contrary to the report’s findings.
Hannity’s Fox colleague Chris Wallace, meanwhile, said the real “headline” is that the report “didn’t find the things” Trump and Barr have alleged.