Texas Deputy on Desk Duty After Video Shows Him Throwing Brutal Punch at Teenager
A Harris County Sheriff’s deputy has been put on desk duty after a GoPro video caught him throwing an absolutely brutal punch to the back of a teenager’s head. ABC13 obtained the clip which shows the the deputy approaching the teen, identified by the network as high school sophomore Carlos, outside of a Shell garage last Friday. The footage, which was captured by the GoPro mounted on the back of the teen’s ATV, shows the deputy ask for the teenager’s licence before angrily accusing Carlos of trying to run away from him. “Don’t run from me boy, I will beat your (expletive) right here,” said the deputy. “Don’t be (expletive) stupid!” The deputy then lands a heavy punch on the back of the teen’s head. Harris County Sheriff's Department told ABC13 the teen was charged with evading arrest. The unidentified deputy has since been put on desk duty.