
Harry Potter in Love

The teen wizard is back this week and under Ginny Weasley’s romantic spell. VIEW OUR GALLERY of Hogwarts’ hotties discovering the most potent magic of all.

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In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, young Harry is all of 11 years old. His peer relations are confined primarily to a powerful budding friendship with wizard-born Ron Weasley and Muggle-born Hermione Granger.

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Though the young wizards have not yet fallen into romantic pairings in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Ron and Hermione share some close moments—foreshadowing their (spoiler!) adult relationship to come.

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In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the wizards attend their first school dance, the Yule Ball. Harry attends on the arm of Parvati Patil. Parvati’s twin sister, Padma, attends as Ron Weasley’s date. Though neither sister forms a long-lasting bond with her respective young wizard, each continues as a minor character for the rest of the series.

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Hermione attends the Yule Ball with Viktor Krum, a Bulgarian Quidditch star from a rival school.

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Though Harry attends the Yule Ball with Parvati, his love interest is actually Cho Chang. Cold feet leave Harry unable to score a Cho Chang date; by the time he asks her to the dance, she has already said "yes" to another wizard.

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When the Hogwarts kids entered their awkward adolescences, the movie franchise tapped Alfonso Cuaron—of Y Tu Mama Tambien fame—to direct their growing pains. Among his changes was the introduction of regular street clothes for the teens.

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Preoccupied with “snogging,” Harry Potter eventually kisses his multi-book love interest, Cho Chang.

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Like Harry, Cho Chang plays Seeker in Quidditch, but for Ravenclaw’s team. She goes on a date with Harry on Valentine’s Day in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

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Ginny Weasley, best friend Ron’s little sister, has a longstanding crush on Harry. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince , the pair give in to their attraction. The spell holds. As readers of the final Potter book know—spoiler alert—Harry and Ginny get married and have three children.

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A long friendship evolves into love in the seventh and last book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger finally share their first kiss.

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In his Broadway debut last year in Equus, Daniel Radcliffe found love of a different kind—with a horse.

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