Herschel Walker Is Pissed That Trump Is Taking Credit for His Senate Run
Fresh off his win in Georgia’s Republican primary last week, U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker said he was angered by Donald Trump’s claim that he pushed the ex-NFL star to run for office. “One thing that people don’t know is President Trump never asked me. I need to tell him that he never asked,” Walker told Killer Mike on the rapper’s latest episode of Love & Respect with Killer Mike. “I heard it all on television that he’s going to ask Herschel, saying Hershel is going to run. President Trump never came out and said ‘Herschel, will you run for that Senate seat?’” As a result, Walker said, he is feeling “mad” at the ex-president (who repeatedly campaigned for Walker). “I’m mad at him, because he never asked, but he’s taking credit that he asked,” Walker said.