Herschel Walker’s Failed Company Hawked Health Products He Knew Were Bogus
A report by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution found that Trump-backed Senate candidate Herschel Walker has spent the past two decades slinging sham health products through businesses that repeatedly fail. His products—such as Sunutra, a plant extract with “phytonutrients” that allegedly mitigate threats of cancer and disease—were marketed as “revolutionizing” goods that could turn “back your biological clock.” But in filings to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Walker’s company, American Consolidated Management Group, admitted: “These beliefs are not supported by medical evidence generally accepted by the medical community.” The products were not only incapable of warding off heart disease, but also of keeping ACMG afloat. The company folded in 2013 after racking up $7 million in debt, the AJC reports. Walker has also served as a spokesman for dubious health products, including a purported libido booster, an anti-aging line, and a prophylactic that claimed could “kill any COVID in your body.”