HHS Secretary Pushes Back on Navarro’s CDC Criticism: ‘Inaccurate and Inappropriate’
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar condemned White House trade adviser Peter Navarro’s sharp criticism of the Center for Disease Control,” telling Fox News on Monday that Navarro’s remarks were “inaccurate and inappropriate.” During his Sunday appearance on Meet the Press, Navarro threw the CDC under the bus over the lack of coronavirus testing early in the pandemic, claiming the center “let the country down with the testing” and solely blaming them for having bad tests.
“The comments regarding the CDC are inaccurate and inappropriate,” Azar replied when asked to respond to Navarro’s comments. “The CDC had one error which was in scaling up the manufacturing of the tests that they had developed. There was a contamination that didn’t affect the accuracy of the test, just lead to inconclusive results, they fixed that within weeks and got it out.”