
Horoscopes October 16-22, 2011


Taurus engages in some PDA, Gemini acts as an anchor, and Leo embarks on a fantastic voyage.

Behar Anthony / Sipa Press

BORN THIS WEEKViggo Mortensen (October 20, 1958)

Libra is the cardinal-air sign, which translates to light. Apollo, the archetype of the Libra man, is god of light and intangible notions like music, art, politics and poetry, a nod to the Scales being the only abstract, inorganic symbol in the zodiac. Apollo’s totem—the animal form he would take—is that of a wolf. The Libra male, like our Siberian-husky-eyed man Viggo, has a foxy, wolfish air, as do his sign fellows Matt Damon, Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Sting and Guy Pearce. Often accused of being dilletantes, Libra men are actually renaissance men who excel in any number of, mainly artistic, fields; just ask painter, poet, actor, musician (and of course—very Libra—political activist) Mortensen.




Coming out of an info-gathering phase, you must put down emotional roots lest you get lost in spinning thoughts. Home is priority one. Many Aries have been shuttling from one abode or sofabed to another; but by Tuesday, when the Cancer Moon opposes Pluto, you need to eliminate all the to’ing and fro’ing if you wish to establish or foster the social life you desire. Becoming a better friend is a theme you’ll explore in the coming year. It requires being accountable for behavior. Excess alone time has allowed you to get away with alienating antics. Starting now you’ll be called out for them—it means others care.


After some seclusion, you’re faced with all-too familiar people and situations. Don’t repeat patterns with them, those which made you retreat in the first place. Truth is: You need a new tribe of like minds as motivated as you to make individual marks. Mars squaring ruler Venus fuels solo endeavors, and if you work as part of a team, creative or otherwise, it’s high time to break out on your own. It needn’t be to the exclusion of collaborations. However, partners who put up a fight might need a permanent heave-ho. Venus opposing Jupiter says a mate or regular date requires public displays of affection.


We wouldn’t call you the most grounded sign. Yet, this week, more than a few people see you as their rock. But with the Gemini Moon now trine Saturn, then square Uranus, over the next couple of days, beware of others dragging you down. Friends and colleagues may rely on you to realize “shared” goals you didn’t even know you had. In other words, though loath to admit it, they may expect you to do all the requisite work. By Friday, ruler Mercury squaring Mars can make you acid-tongued. So best to verbalize any building resentments before then. Venus in this mix makes you libidinous, to say the least.


Don’t be so quick to feel sorry for those failing in your estimation. The fact is they might venture more than you; building muscle to withstand setbacks while ultimately achieving soaring success. You can take a page from their book as so-called safe career situations, especially, might be shakier than you think. With the Cancer Moon opposing Pluto, by Tuesday, you may sense some security slipping away. This is designed to motivate you to put a few of your bigger dreams in motion. At the end of the day, we only have ourselves to rely on; and if you’ve been subsisting under someone’s protective wing, prepare to fly.


Signs show you’ll now make a great escape you’ve been mooning about. For some, it’s an actual journey to enchanted lands. For others, it’s an inner voyage into the realm of your imagination. For many, both. In any case, with Venus and Mercury trining Neptune now, you bid bye-bye to petty distractions, choosing to delve and disseminate your unique perceptions. Be conscious of your observations and take notes. Your comical summations of experience are particularly potent in creative ventures. Nothing should escape your notice, and every impression is fodder for expression and financial reward.


It’s time to exit your ivory tower and take moral convictions to the street. Championing universal causes is now the stuff of which your fulfillment is made. Mars squaring off with Venus channels your warrior spirit into principled causes, with you as a vehicle for social progress. Mercury conjunct Venus suggests you’re the one holding the real or metaphoric megaphone, a mouthpiece for change. Personally, you seem unreachable to loved ones—some of you perform your infamous disappearing act. Just remember, people personalize your projections of dissatisfaction and, unlike you, when they go they may be gone.


As haughty as it sounds, you’re happier at the top of any heap—socially, professionally or artistically. It’s not a snob thing. It’s just that, with ruler Venus opposing Jupiter, you now find that more successful, accomplished people, venues, agencies, etc. are nicer, more respectful, less drama-filled (and serve way tastier hors d’ouevres). You know the old adage: If you lie down with underdogs, you get up with depression. Okay so we made that one up. But you get the point: Let yourself rise to the top with the crème de la crème. In financial news, the headline reads: Stop spending! Focus on refilling depleted coffers.


Suffering emotional pain, you see, results from failing to accept life on life’s terms. And with Jupiter opposing Venus while trine your ruler Pluto, you now easefully surrender to circumstances beyond your scope to change. This frees you to focus on seeking higher purposes, and to foster increased health and vitality. Friends have been metamorphosing like butterflies, healing bad habits and addictions. Control freak that you are, you tend to keep yourself on this side of self-destruction. But by clinging to even minor compulsions you prevent the kind of transformation your soul desires. Or rather, you used to do so.


For any Sagittarian, there is a tendency to define yourself by how others see you. But with ruler Jupiter opposing Venus (whose symbol recalls a hand-mirror) you’re asked to take an objective look at yourself. What are your own expectations? What is your own barometer for self-worth? You now really get the notion that what other people think of you is none of your beeswax. With Mercury whispering in Venus’ ear, gossiping backfires big-time so keep your lip securely buttoned. By Saturday, these two planets square Mars, suggesting a wild fling may be totally flung. Those of you in longterm bonds feel some growing pains.


It’s time to consider the significance of individuals populating your experience. Sure, you’ve been ridding your life of loneliness and isolation but, ironically, there are those close to you who only heighten such feelings. A Saturn-Sun mash-up trining enchanted Neptune allows you to see behind the veil of people’s desired impressions to their true selves. It’s all very Shallow Hal. And you may be startled when a supposedly friendly face morphs into a demonic form. Hyperbole aside, trust these impressions. And gravitate toward noble entities you spy behind froggy appearances. French aristocracy, included.


Being obsessed with your physical self is in the stars now. With Venus trine Neptune in your sign, a recent lapse in activity only adds grit to your determination to be in peak condition. Mercury conjunct Venus, however, can make you hypervigilant about your apprearance as a distraction from intellectual pursuits begging for completion. So don’t overindulge in exercise or tinkering—especially avoid taking radical measures (insert photo of Aquarian Geena Davis here). And beware of Pygmalian practices. If you take issue with loved ones’ looks, it means just one thing: A projected lack of self-acceptance.


Venus and Mercury, trine the healer Chiron, in Pisces, are fast at work pulling your guard down. With defensive reactions on a hair trigger you have an opportunity to be more conscious of overreacting or immediately assuming others ask too much, or otherwise taking advantage, of you. There are would-be friends everywhere now so be mindful not to put up walls. Remember, you’re far more comfortable in social situations than you anticipate you’ll be; in fact, you’re more suited to mingling than most. Turn the drama volume down, breathe, and seek to identify with, not differentiate yourself from, others.

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