
Horoscopes October 23-29 2011


Virgo navigates caveats, Cancer seeks knowledge, and Sagittarius breaks the rules.

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BORN THIS WEEKJulia Roberts (October 28, 1967)

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, named for the god of the underworld. Scorpio woman draws on the archetype of his queen of the dead, Persephone, who sat still and silent on her throne, forcing others to spill their guts. This is Scorpio: she must know your secrets, but reveals nothing. She is a sphinx even to her loved ones. Talk about your Mona Lisa smiles. Scorpio are femme fatales, on-screen and off. Roberts has left many a hottie in her wake. She jilted Kiefer Sutherland in 1991, flying to Ireland with his best friend Jason Patric. She took up with cameraman hubby Daniel Moder while he was hitched to someone else.



The Sun in Scorpio brings to light the ways you connect deeply with other people and “the all.” In a relationship, you are urged to surrender more of your self; so that you don’t just co-exist, but merge. The single among you may feel that urge for the first time ever. You can’t stand feeling like you’re skating on the surface of life. You become a miner for meaning, digging deep into heady subjects, study, or your own ignored psychology. The New Moon, Wednesday, can have a mystical affect. The atmosphere will feel charged with energy; and circumstance, loaded with coincidence. Really, there’s no such thing.


Life now feels labyrinthine, which you are archetypally equipped to handle. Remember the mythic Minotaur (a Taurus whose desire has run amok)? The moral of that story is that a desire for pleasures of the flesh will get you locked into a sort of psychological maze. And only purity of heart can free you. This rings most true on the New Moon, Wednesday, when the Sun and Moon oppose Jupiter in Taurus. The Sun and Moon symbolize your will and your want, respectively. Often in conflict, they are now one and the same. You can fully vanquish temptation for earthly treats that have become a trap.



Now is about developing new means for expressing yourself. Those of you in status-quo positions take a more pro-active approach to career. In love, you retire a passive role and sow some predatory oats. The New Moon, Wednesday, focuses on finances, as you get in synch with a loved one or partner over shared investments. Mercury squaring Neptune, later in the week, makes you hyper-realistic, if to a fault. Don’t lose your childhood exuberance in the face of countless cynics. If anything, let enthusiasm set you apart. Remaining among the very young at heart is how your next big, bankable idea springs to mind.


The more you realize that money doesn’t provide the security you crave, the more you turn to the acquisition of knowledge, and rightly so. Venus and Mercury’s connection to Chiron in your sector of higher learning now makes mastering subjects you’ve only poked at in the past both pleasurable and easily digestible. The New Moon, Wednesday, gives you a fresh start with a purely creative pursuit, that is to say one that has nothing to do with the making of money. Children may also factor into your week, life lessons imparted from the mouths of babes. Speaking of babes, you now have a wandering eye.


Despite an exterior of calm, we suspect you’re silently screaming. But carry on faking it, making it impossible for others to see your frustration. Mars in Leo, opposing Neptune, suggests a short fuse in the face of slackers, dilettantes, drifters, and uninvited guests in your life you must tolerate, at least until Wednesday. Then, the New Moon magically makes ne’er do wells disappear, and you can cultivate the company of functional beings. Venus and Mercury squaring Mars can inspire jealousy. A mate yukking it up with a buddy makes you feel left out. But you’ve been wishing for solo time, so take it.


Life seems submerged in a sea of caveats. And though you attempt to allow a clear agenda to surface, you’re only left with the sinking feeling that goals are being torpedoed. The worst thing you can do is panic or struggle. Instead, try to go with the flow. Ruler Mercury squaring Mars now suggests that you can swing a sweet deal for yourself. Resist trying to work out benefits for others in the process. Stay selfish. The New Moon in Scorpio, Wednesday, opens fresh avenues for learning. By next weekend, give into childlike enthusiasm for taking new tricks on board. This does not apply to your sex life.


Though others think you’re coming out of left field, your wonderfully warped visions are destined to morph into groundbreaking initiatives that ultimately win kudos and respect. So suspend great expectations for ideas to register immediately, along with disappointment they never will. A Mars-Neptune opposition assures that current naysayers will end up kissing your ring. So dispense with blackball lists you’re wont to keep. Better yet, turn them into rosters of patrons and investors. The New Moon opposing Jupiter, Wednesday, amplifies your life libidinous, which is already more active than ever in recent memory.


Sudden elevation in renown is yours with the New Moon Wednesday. Overnight success is something you’ve cultivated for some time. And we don’t have to tell you it can be a double-edged poodle. You read that right. You see, now is time to cultivate unique means of expression. “But everyone copies me,” you whine. Yeah, so? This should motivate you further. You’re not supposed to stop creating. It’s ongoing. Feel tired? Then rest. The workaholic thing you got going? It’s a lot of blah blah blah. Work. Play. Sleep. Don’t burn the midnight oil, and your own energy, futzing over what you already accomplished.


Having played by the rules, in your social life and in your career, informing each other as they do, you now can’t help bucking convention with maverick displays. You are the zodiac’s Lord or Lady Godiva—naked on horseback is an image akin to a centaur—and, in keeping with your archetype, you now prove that shock tactics can be key to making righteous points. Ruler Jupiter in opposition to the Sun and Moon, on Wednesday, can put you at odds with public opinion; what? Bring it on, did you say? That’s the spirit. Detractors are just a test of your mettle en route to your meeting like-minds, en masse.


Communication is likely to break down this week with Mars opposing a battle-worn Chiron in Pisces. But, take heart! Glitches provide a grace period for you to strengthen statements, missions, arguments and other words-worthy endeavors. The New Moon on Wednesday highlights a need to negotiate individual goals against those of a mate or business partner. Signs show that you can divine an overriding vision that encompasses everyone’s needs. They also say you don’t have to work so hard. In fact, if this week teaches you anything, it’s that you don’t have to teach others how to solve their problems.


All biz and no play can make Aquarius a dull non-binary-gender being. So stop playing Swifty Lazar or Jacqueline Susann or whatever solicitous, self-promotional role model you’re channeling. Mars opposing Neptune means your competitive edge can run amok when you should stop to smell the rose water. Anyway, indulging in downtime is a crucial cog in spinning career wheels toward world domination, or so says Venus and Mercury square Neptune. They mix biz with untold pleasure, which means you have to be extra on guard against blurring that line beyond recognition. Keep it in your briefcase.


A creature of habit, you may be so attached to routine that even the slightest veering from your trail can send you off the rails. But the opposition of Mars and Neptune indicates that the symptom is the cause. Meaning you must focus on increasing flexibility such that flux becomes your friend again. The New Moon on Wednesday invites you to explore fresh vistas, and to break your dependence on mentors upon whom you rely to treat you as their pet. Those relationships have imparted wisdom, but you’ve picked up some fuddy-duddy behavior, too. It’s time to shake out the cobwebs and embrace the unknown.

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