Hugh Hewitt: Senate Should ‘Reject’ Articles of Impeachment From House
Conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt, who has slowly morphed into a Lou Dobbs-like Trump booster, said on Sunday morning that the Senate shouldn’t take up any articles of impeachment passed by the House of Representatives. “In the first impeachments, there was a break-in and an affair with an intern in which you had a date, stamp and time and the American people understood,” Hewitt said on Meet the Press. “Not only is that not here, there is a compelling argument that what the president did is just what other presidents do. And I am persuaded by this.” I don’t think the Senate—there will be an impeachment, they will send an article, purely partisan vote—I don’t think the Senate should take it up,” he added. “I think they should reject the motion to proceed and never touch it. Otherwise, we will have this done again and again—secret hearings, ex parte contact, just a bad precedent.”