Shapiro Quits Georgetown After Moaning About ‘Lesser Black Woman’ on SCOTUS
Ilya Shapiro just couldn’t wait to cancel himself, it seems. The saga of the controversial Georgetown Law School administrator, who has been engulfed in an online firestorm of his own making since late January, finally reached a seeming denouement on Monday, when he announced that he would be resigning from his position at the school’s Center for the Constitution. Shapiro had been set to begin working at Georgetown when he first drew fire with his tweet, which suggested President Joe Biden would bend to “the latest intersectionality hierarchy” and pick a “lesser black woman” to be his nominee to the Supreme Court. Shapiro, who later deleted and apologized for the tweet, was placed on paid administrative leave while Georgetown investigators probed the incident. They recently concluded that Shapiro was ineligible for discipline, having written the tweet in question prior to taking up his post at the law school. Shapiro said on Thursday that, with his name officially cleared, he would return to work. By Monday, it appeared as though he had changed his mind. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, Shapiro accused the school of setting him “up for discipline the next time I transgress progressive orthodoxy.” Rather than participate “in that slow-motion firing,” he continued, “I’m resigning.”