Scavengers Are Taking Evidence From the Iran Plane Crash Site, CBS Reports
Scavengers are being allowed access to the site of Wednesday’s plane crash in Iran to take away pieces of evidence, CBS News reports. The network’s foreign correspondent Elizabeth Palmer was able to enter the site before being told to leave by Iranian security officials. She reported that “apparent scavengers” were scouring through what debris is left from the crash and looking for pieces of the plane to take away. Palmer also reported that witnesses told her a truck arrived on Thursday to take the vast majority of the wreckage, but Iran has not said where it was taken. The jet’s fuselage and nose had been removed, and witnesses said the relocation of the wreckage started on the day of the crash. Ukrainian investigators have not visited the site, and will now find a largely empty area. Palmer wrote on Twitter: “No security. Not cordoned off. No sign of any investigators.”