Actor Jake Gyllenhaal joined Instagram Wednesday, and his first post was a video confirming that he will play the villain in the new Spider-Man movie. According to BuzzFeed, rumors swirled during the summer that Gyllenhaal would play Marvel villain Mysterio opposite Tom Holland’s Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Far From Home. Gyllenhaal confirmed those rumors when he posted a video of himself reading a Spider-Man comic book featuring “the return of the man called Mysterio.” A framed cover of another The Amazing Spider-Man comic featuring Mysterio is seen in the background on the video. “Woah,” Gyllenhaal says in the clip while reading. “What the fu*k.” In the caption, the actor wrote, “I just realized I’m not playing Spider-Man.” The movie is slated for release on July 5, 2019, shortly after the scheduled release date for Captain Marvel.
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