Sayaka Kanda, the 35-year-old actress who voiced Princess Anne in Japan’s dubbed version of the film Frozen, was found dead after falling from her hotel room on Saturday. Kanda, whose death is believed to be the result of a suicide, was found near the 14th floor of the 22-story hotel at which she was staying. The Saturday afternoon before her fall, Kanda did not appear for her performance in the musical My Fair Lady.
As Japan reels from two weekend tragedies—Kanda’s apparent suicide and also a deadly arson attack by a mental clinic patient—conversations have reopened around mental health issues in the country. Experts pointed to a social taboo against seeking help for mental health problems, as well as pandemic fueled isolation. Masako Kageyama of Osaka University pointed to an over dependence on hospitalization and institutionalization of those suffering from mental illness, as opposed to community-based care and newer forms of therapy.
If you or a loved one are struggling with suicidal thoughts, please reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741.
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